young people at youth parliament

Today marks the exciting launch of the opportunity for you to have a say in who represents young people across Wirral! We have 7 passionate and dedicated candidates who have stepped forward to champion the voices of youth in our community.

Your participation matters! Your vote will shape the future leadership of Wirral and ensure that the perspectives of young people like you are heard loud and clear.

Youth Manifestos can be viewed on ZILLO to help you choose your next member of UKYP

To cast your vote, simply follow the link provided below:

👉 Vote Here!

Remember, you must be between the ages of 11 to 18 years old to participate. And if you are between the ages of 11 to 25 and are part of the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) or Children in Care programs, your voice is equally important.

We encourage all eligible voters to take part in this empowering process. Your vote matters, and this is your chance to make a difference in our community!

Don't forget, you have the opportunity to select both a first and a second choice candidate, ensuring that your preferences are fully represented.

Let's make this election a celebration of youth participation and a testament to the vibrant democracy of Wirral. Your vote counts!

What is the UK Youth Parliament?

The UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) is similar to the adult UK parliament, but it is ran by young people for young people and enables 11-18-year olds to use their energy and passion to change the world for the better and bring around social change.

UKYP aims to give a voice to young people which will be listened to by local, regional and national government, providers of services for young people and other agencies who have an interest in the views of young people. UK MYP is part of the British Youth Council which has an independent national identity and has a rolling programme of activities across the year, including an annual sitting, a sitting in the House of Commons,



Closing date for voting is Monday 26th February at 9pm.


Note -

Anyone who is not voted in this time or wants to have a voice, have the opportunity to Join the

Wirral Youth Voice group’s and gain more opportunities, skills and events which are free to access

on a Monday evening 5-6pm at Pilgrim Street Arts Centre. Just drop in!


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